Update (Aug 17 2023) The property owner has deferred the application for rezoning to a later date. The public hearing scheduled by the Jefferson County Commission for August 17 was canceled. A new date for the public hearing will be announced when the application is resubmitted.
The Harvest Hills subdivision is an example of a long-planned project that is looking to respond to the current market demand and move forward with changes. Phase I of the project was recenty completed with 27 single family houses. The changes would apply to phase 2. The original plan for this subdivision to the east of Shenandoah Junction completed the planning process in the mid-2000s, just in time to be stalled by the recession. The developer is now seeking to modify the zoning to allow for denser development. The project is located off Flowing Springs Road, approximately one-half mile south of the Duffields train station (served weekdays by MARC commuter service) and one mile north of Jefferson High School. The developer, Arcadia Development Co., is requesting a zoning change from rural to residential growth.
The concept plan submitted with the rezoning application for phase 2 of the project (image above) shows a proposal for 1,004 housing units on 352 acres (the previously-approved concept plan called for 392 housing units). The site plan shows a proposed cluster-type development plan for Phase II of the Harvest Hills subdivision, with a mix of housing types on the site, including medium-lot single family, small-lot single family, villa-style homes, and townhomes (the yellow, blue and red rectangles).
Cluster-Style Plan Includes Greenspace
Areas in light green indicate open space buffers and the dark green areas indicate park/recreation areas. The white area in the lower left shows 27 single family homes already constructed and occupied as part of the first phase of the development that was completed in 2022 under the original concept plan. That first phase also includes a 21 acre parcel that the developer deeded to Jefferson County Parks & Recreation for a future park (the larger white area along Flowing Springs Road at the left side of the site plan).
View of the proposed phase 2 of the Harvest Hills subdivision (looking east from phase 1).
View of Brass Harness Drive / Kepler Road leading into the Harvest Hills subdivision (paved, on left) and farm road (gravel, on right).
The Harvest Hills subdivision is located less than half a mile from the MARC station at Duffields and less than a mile from Jefferson High School and Wildwood Middle School.
By Staff Contributor